Consecration Sunday: A Key Element in Cultivating a Generous Church.

UMF is dedicated to equipping you with the necessary tools to kickstart a successful Consecration Sunday Stewardship Campaign. Our annual training sessions, held every spring, are designed to empower you with valuable insights and strategies.

Consecration Sunday Training

Registration is open! If you would like to participate in these sessions complete the registration form below. For additional details, feel free to reach out to our UMF representative who will be more than happy to provide further information.


  1. Date of Session
    CS Training is Monday, May 19, 2025
  2. Registration Deadline
    Deadline Monday, May 12, 2025
  3. Location
    Dixon Chapel, NCCUMC
  4. Time
    10:00 AM – 1:00 PM

Guest Leader Guide and Team Membership Manual are provided for FREE for those attending the UMF training session.

Consecration Sunday Training Registration

Lunch and Consecration Sunday training materials are provided. Please let us know if you have a change in number of attendees.

Church Address(Required)

This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.

Guest Leaders

Once you have selected a date, select a Guest Leader, a pastor, or layperson who is an interesting, effective speaker. Click the link below to view the guest leader list. To reduce travel expenses, consider those in your district.

Consecration Sunday Overview

This outline does not include the detailed elements found in the book but gives you a picture of how it works.

Step 1

Select Consecration Sunday Date: Churches that follow a calendar-year schedule in the fall between Labor Day and Thanksgiving.

Step 2

Select Guest Leader: Pastor or layperson who is an effective, interesting speaker available on the appropriate dates.

Step 3

6-8 weeks out: Guest Leader conducts one-hour orientation with CS team and board appointed to lead Consecration Sunday.

Step 4

4 weeks out: Strategic publicity begins to roll out.

Step 5

2 weeks out: Request Celebration luncheon reservations.

Step 6

One week out: Final Consecration Sunday luncheon reservations.

Step 7

One week out: Guest Leader speaks at a special dinner for the board, committee members, staff, etc.

Step 8

On Consecration Sunday: Guest Leader speaks to the congregation. Seven-minute commitment session at the end.

Step 9

On Celebration Sunday: Catered Celebration Luncheon immediately following morning worship.

Brunch after each service for multi-service churches.

Step 10

Celebration Luncheon involves no program except the announcement of the campaign results at the end of the meal.

Step 11

Day after: Mail letter with self-addressed, stamped envelope and Estimate of Giving Card to each household not present for CS.

Step 12

Experience the dramatic results of this approach with a, on average, 15-30% increase in financial contributions per year.

To gain a clear understanding of the program, read the full Consecration Sunday Stewardship Program Guide. This guide will prepare you to begin the journey toward an effective Consecration Sunday experience that helps attendees grow spiritually and adequately finances your congregation’s mission and ministries.

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