Reckless, real, and eternal love.

Listen carefully: Unless a grain of wheat is buried in the ground, dead to the world, it is never any more than a grain of wheat. But if it is buried, it sprouts and reproduces itself many times over. In the same way, anyone who holds on to life just as it is destroys that life. But if you let it go, reckless in your love, you’ll have it forever, real and eternal.

John 12:24-25 The Message

In my role as CEO of the United Methodist Foundation, Inc., I’ve had the opportunity to speak to many churches about legacy giving. I find this topic is not always in the front of most people’s minds. But it does linger in the back of many people’s minds.

I guess we all want to leave a dent in this world – something we can look back on with joy, and even a bit of pride. And we all do leave a legacy, whether we know it or not, whether good or bad. Each day is a page in the story of our life. When it’s written it’s done – no going back and making changes. But our past doesn’t have to define our future. Think of the thief on the cross beside Jesus. He moved from a life of crime to paradise.

I’ve read the story of a “grain of wheat” since I was a little boy in Sunday school. But I don’t think I ever grasped its meaning in the context of a legacy. But that’s really what the story is all about. It’s all about what happens after death.

I’ve got to see first-hand the truth of this story. Generous individuals who, though they’ve joined the saints in heaven long ago, continue to bear fruit here on earth. Individuals who left a lasting legacy by creating an endowment at UMF as a part of their last will and testament. Their financial gift will support their local church and help spread the Good News that our divided world so desperately needs. And the best part is that their gift will last in perpetuity.

We all do leave a legacy, whether we know it or not, whether good or bad. Each day is a page in the story of our life. When it’s written it’s done – no going back and making changes.

Rich Bowlin

If you’d like to “leave a dent” then join the select few, who took the story of the grain of wheat to heart. If you’d like to “bear fruit” long after you’re gone, then reach out to your UMF. We can guide you thoughtfully and skillfully through the simple process of leaving a legacy.

Remember, if “you let it go, reckless in your love, you’ll have it forever, real and eternal.”

This article is written by Rich Bowlin, CEO of the United Methodist Foundation, Inc. If you would like more information regarding UMF, you can contact Rich at [email protected].

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